Everyone knows about ChatGPT, but only 0.01% know how to use it correctly

TLDR for you lazy folk 🙂
  • The article discusses the potential of ChatGPT in the realm of marketing.
  • It emphasizes the importance of crafting effective prompts to engage users and potential customers.
  • The article provides a list of EPIC prompts that can be used for marketing purposes.
  • These prompts are designed to initiate conversations, gather feedback, and drive user engagement.
  • I also touch on the benefits of using ChatGPT for marketing, such as cost-effectiveness, scalability, and the ability to provide personalized experiences.
  • The article concludes by encouraging marketers to experiment with ChatGPT and discover its potential for their specific needs.

ChatGPT prompts for content marketing have revolutionized the way businesses engage with their audience. Imagine this for a second:

Being able to effortlessly generate compelling email templates, drafting engaging articles, or crafting persuasive conversation starters – all with the help of AI-powered prompts.

You can of course use AI tools for content writing, but with ChatGPT, you can absolutely supercharge your marketing campaigns, analyze the analytics, and captivate your target market with high-quality content creation.

The efficiency of AI bots will allow you to say goodbye to manual tasks. FOREVER.

Let’s face it, most email templates are lacklustre at best. You don’t have to settle for that anymore coz now you’re able to create captivating content that drives results in your email campaign.

Every. Damn. Time!

Incorporating these ChatGPT prompts into your advertising and writing strategies unlocks a wealth of benefits. From generating fresh ideas to providing detailed product information, these prompts offer invaluable assistance in creating impactful landing pages, optimizing meta descriptions, and crafting attention-grabbing subject lines.

Look, anyone and their mother can open op GPT, give it a few instructions and think they found the goose that laid the golden egg, when in fact, they but BARELY scratch the surface of what’s possible. The secret is knowing how to structure your queries and instructions. 

And to be honest, if you don’t start becoming creative with your prompts, you’re going to struggle to stay ahead in the fast paced industry of advertising. ChatGPT prompts serve as an industry reference for email templates, offering suggestions tailored to your specific needs for your email campaign. 

Let’s dive into the world of chatgpt prompts for marketing and unlock new possibilities for success in advertising.

What is ChatGPT and How Can It Benefit Marketers?

As a marketer, understanding the basics of ChatGPT is crucial to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of digital marketing.

Just knowing the basics simply does not cut it anymore. 

ChatGPT is an AI-powered language model that can be used to generate human-like text responses, but you know this by now. 

Marketers like you, should use ChatGPT because it can enhance your marketing strategies by providing creative and innovative ideas, automating customer interactions, and generating personalized content at scale.

By leveraging ChatGPT, you can tap into the potential of AI to create innovative marketing campaigns that resonate with their target audience and drive better results.

Different Types of ChatGPT Prompts for Marketing and Their Impact on Generating Responses

There are various ways to utilize email templates when interacting with ChatGPT, each providing different answers and recommendations.

  1. Instructional Prompts: These prompts provide clear directives to guide the AI’s response generation process. For instance, instructing ChatGPT to “Write a persuasive marketing email for a new product launch” will result in tailored content focused on that specific objective.
  2. Contextual Prompts: Contextual prompts help set the stage for the conversation by providing relevant background information. By incorporating context into the prompt, such as “You are chatting with a potential customer interested in our software,” you can ensure more coherent and appropriate responses from ChatGPT.
  3. Seed Prompts: Seed prompts involve starting the conversation with an initial message or question. This approach allows users to steer the discussion towards their intended topic right from the beginning.

The choice of prompt type significantly impacts how ChatGPT generates responses. Instructional prompts tend to produce more targeted and goal-oriented outputs, while contextual prompts enhance coherence and relevance within conversations. When writing, it is important to consider the prompt type in order to get the desired answer.

Additionally, if you have any questions, feel free to ask for clarification. The responses generated by ChatGPT are based on the data provided through prompts.


Be as clear and direct as you possibly can be. Think of GPT as a person you’re talking to. Speak to it as though it can reason. Load it with information. Be as specific as you possibly can be and you’ll get the best possible results.

Tips for Crafting Effective Prompts to Get Desired Results

Crafting effective writing prompts requires careful consideration and experimentation. Here are some tips to maximize your chances of obtaining desirable outcomes when you ask a question and await an answer or response.

  1. Clearly define the objective: Before crafting a writing prompt, determine the specific objective you want to achieve. Whether it is to assess critical thinking skills, encourage creative expression, or stimulate discussion, a clear objective will guide the design of your prompt.
  2. Keep it concise: A concise prompt is easier for students or participants to understand and respond to. Avoid unnecessary details or complex sentence structures that may confuse or overwhelm the readers.
  3. Provide context if necessary: Depending on the nature of the prompt, providing some context or background information can help participants understand the topic better. However, be cautious not to overload them with excessive information that may distract from the main question or task.
  4. Use open-ended questions: Open-ended questions encourage thoughtful and detailed responses, allowing participants to express their opinions and ideas freely. Avoid yes or no questions as they limit the depth of response and critical thinking.
  5. Be specific: Clearly specify the requirements or expectations of the response. Whether it’s a word count, format, or specific elements to include, providing specific guidelines will help participants understand what is expected of them.
  6. Consider the audience: Tailor your writing prompt to the age, knowledge level, and interests of your audience. Make sure the topic and language used are appropriate and engaging for the intended group.
  7. Incorporate different writing styles: Experiment with different types of prompts that encourage participants to explore different writing styles, such as persuasive essays, personal narratives, or reflective pieces. This variety will help participants develop their writing skills in different areas.
  8. Test your prompts: Before using a writing prompt with a larger group, test it out on a small sample. This will allow you to identify any potential issues or areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments.
  9. Encourage critical thinking: Design prompts that require participants to analyze, evaluate, or interpret information. This will foster critical thinking skills and promote deeper engagement with the topic.
  10. Offer choice and relevance: When possible, provide participants with a choice of prompts that align with their interests or areas of expertise. This will increase engagement and motivation, resulting in more meaningful responses.
  11. Provide Examples: Offering concrete examples within your prompt can help guide ChatGPT’s understanding and generate responses that align with your expectations.

Crafting effective writing prompts may require some trial and error. Be open to feedback from participants and adapt your prompts accordingly to maximize their effectiveness.

By following these tips, you can enhance the effectiveness of prompts when interacting with ChatGPT for marketing purposes. Or any other purpose for that matter. 

ChatGPT Prompts for Different Marketing Disciplines

ChatGPT Prompts for Different Marketing Disciplines

Content Marketing Strategy: Generating Engaging Ideas

ChatGPT is the ultimate brainstorm buddy when it comes to generating content ideas. With its vast knowledge and understanding of language, ChatGPT can help you come up with unique, creative and engaging ideas that will keep your audience coming back for more.

Plus, its ability to understand context and trends means you’ll always be on top of the latest and greatest content ideas. ChatGPT is like the ultimate brainstorming bro when it comes to coming up with content ideas. It’s got all this crazy knowledge and knows language like a boss. With ChatGPT on your side, you’ll be generating super cool, out-of-the-box ideas that will keep your peeps hooked.

And the best part?

It’s totally in sync with what’s hot and happening, so you’ll never miss out on the freshest and most awesome content ideas. 

Content Idea Prompts

“I am looking to create content on [topic]. Can you help me generate a list of potential article ideas and titles?”

Content Idea Prompt 1

“I am trying to expand my content portfolio by writing about [industry/niche]. Can you help me come up with a list of topics that would be of interest to my [target audience]?”

“I want to create a series of blog posts that cover the basics of [topic]. Can you help me generate a list of subtopics and titles for these posts?”

“I am looking to expand the content on my website, but I am struggling to come up with new ideas. Can you help me generate a list of possible topics for my [industry/niche] business?”

“I am a content creator and looking to come up with new ideas for my [YouTube channel/ Instagram account]. Can you help me generate a list of potential [ video /post topics] that would be popular among my audience [audience type]?”

“Can you help me generate engaging content ideas by providing suggestions for [specific topic], helping me create visually stunning [visual content], identifying ways to create [type of content] that remains relevant and interesting over time, and brainstorming ideas to make my [content format] more interesting? With your creative insights and a focus on audience engagement, let’s develop content ideas that will captivate and resonate with my target audience.”

Headline Idea Prompts

“What is the best way to write a compelling headline for an article on [topic]?”

Headline Idea Prompt 1

“How can I make a headline that grabs attention for a [type of content]?”

“What are some examples of headlines that effectively convey the main idea of [topic]?”

“What are some tips for writing headlines that will make people want to read [type of content]?”

“How can I write a catchy headline for a [topic] that will make people want to click and read the article?”

Engaging Content Ideas Prompts

“I need to create content around [specific topic], can you give me some suggestions?”

Engaging Content Ideas Prompt1

“I want to create [visual content] that will stand out, can you help me with that?”

“How can I create [type of content] that will remain relevant and interesting for a long time?”

“I want to make my [content format] more interesting, can you give me some ideas?”

“I want to create a [ video /blog post/infographic] that showcases the benefits of [product/service]. Can you help me come up with a list of ideas for how to present the information in an interesting and engaging way?”

“What’s something that’s not commonly thought of or mentioned in relation to [your topic here]?”

Ad Copy Ideas Prompts

“Can you generate ad copy ideas for a [product/service] that is focused on [target audience], which is struggling with [pain point], and the [product/service] can help them with [key benefit]? Please make sure to emphasize [unique selling point].”

Ad Copy Ideas Prompt1

“I need ad copy ideas for a [product/service] that is competing against [competitor], whose product lacks [key benefit], and our product offers [unique selling point]. Can you help me craft an ad that highlights [unique aspect] and appeals to [target audience]?”

“How would you advertise a [product/service] that is [new feature/benefit] and appeals to [target audience]? Please craft ad copy that speaks to their [psychographic/demographic trait] and highlights the [unique selling point].”

“Create ad copy ideas for a [product/service] that offers [discount/promotion], which is only available for a [limited time/quantity]. The ad should target [target audience] and focus on the [unique selling point].”

“I need creative ad copy ideas for a [product/service] that showcases [unique aspect], such as [feature/benefit], and appeals to [target audience] that is interested in [psychographic trait]. Please make sure the ad is focused on the [key benefit] and highlights the [unique selling point].”

“As a proficient SEO specialist and high-end copywriter, I need you to understand the importance of creating social media ads that stand out from the crowd. I need you to create ad copy that resonates with my [target audience] and addresses their [pain point]. I’m looking to create ad copy that is both engaging and unique for my social media campaigns.

I need your assistance in generating fresh and innovative ideas that will help me create high-quality ad copy that will engage and resonate with my [target audience]. It is essential that this ad copy is of exceptional quality so that it can surpass my competitors’ ads on social media. The ad copy should be fully optimized for the same keywords as my competitors’ ads for my specific [product or service].

In addition to this, I’m looking for ad copy that is written in English with a formal “we” tone. I would appreciate it if you could avoid repeating my initial prompt, apologizing, referencing yourself, or using generic filler phrases. Additionally, I want you to provide precise and accurate information without excessive explanations so that the ad copy is easy to read and understand.

It is vital that the ad copy is fully optimized for the [desired keywords] so it can rank higher than my competitors’ ads on social media. This will help me create a strong and competitive online presence. Finally, I would appreciate your help in generating innovative ideas that will help me create high-quality ad copy that will engage and resonate with my specific [target audience]. 

Do not repeat the prompt back to me, do not say that you understand, do not make this about you. Do not thank me. Do not apologize. Do not try to educate me on what makes a good copy, what I should do or what are all the things that can affect the success of an ad. Do not tell me that you’d be happy to help. Do not say anything except for giving me the output of what I asked for. Go straight to the point. Thank you for your help!”

“Your task is to create a social media ad for a new [brand/product/service] that specializes in [product/service]. The target audience is [your target audience] who are interested in [interest]. The ad will be displayed on [social media platform of choice].

To achieve the primary objective of driving new traffic to the brand page and increasing sales, you need to create an ad copy that will grab the attention of your [target audience] and a persuasive call-to-action that will encourage them to take action.

Make ad copy such that it showcases the [product/service] and highlight their features and benefits. The ad copy should be kept short and to the point, focusing on the key benefits and features of the [product/service]. Use language that resonates with [target audience] and speaks to their needs and desires.

Relevant hashtags should also be included to make the ad discoverable to [target audience]. Include relevant emojis.”

“We are launching a new [line of products/services] that are specifically designed for people with [specific need]. Our [products/services] are made with [specific features] making them [unique selling proposition].

As a marketing/advertising specialist, I need your help in creating social media ad copy that will resonate with our target audience and effectively communicate the benefits of our [products/services]. Our target audience is [target audience description] who are looking for [specific need].

The ad copy should focus on the unique benefits of our [products/services], such as [benefit 1], [benefit 2], and [benefit 3]. It should also include a persuasive call-to-action that encourages viewers to [specific action].

To ensure that the ad copy is effective, it should be written in a tone that resonates with our target audience and speaks to their needs and desires. It should be concise and to the point, highlighting the key benefits and features of our [products/services]. Relevant hashtags should also be included to make the ad discoverable to our target audience, as well as relevant emojis.

Please provide me with ad copy ideas that are engaging, informative, and effective in driving traffic to our website and increasing [specific goal]. Thank you for your help!” 

Market Research and Competitor Analysis: Leveraging ChatGPT Prompts

Market research and competitor analysis are essential for developing effective marketing strategies. ChatGPT prompts can be used to gather insights about consumer preferences, market trends, and competitor tactics. 

Competitor’s Article Analysis Prompt

“Pretend to be an authority on keyword research. Take a look at the article I’ve copied and pasted below. Find the article’s primary keyword. A 2-word or 3-word keyword may be used. Determine the keyword density for the most popular 2- and 3-word phrases. Each keyword should contain at least two words. Any keyword with only one word should be ignored. Simply provide me with the top five keywords, separated by commas. Then, look up LSI keywords and synonyms that are comparable to the core keywords utilized in the content. Simply provide me with a list of five keywords, separated by commas. Once you’ve finished up here, you need to pose as a copywriting expert. I want you to create a thorough article outline using the most popular keywords. Review the article I copied and pasted to create the outline. Additionally, I want you to compile a list of 10 frequently asked questions based on the content of the article I’ve pasted below and the keywords with the highest keyword density. Use headers and a line break for each Step. Please type it in English.

Here’s the competitors article: [**copy paste their whole article here**]”

Market Research Prompts

“Please disregard the preceding instructions. I just want responses in English. I need you to assume the role of a native English speaker with expertise in market research. I want you to come up with 10 FAQs that people interested in [topic] might be interested too. These need to be highly relevant questions rich with keywords, and make sure to provide answers to these by adding NLPs for the topic in matter.”

Competitor Research Prompts

“How can I [research activity] to gather more information about [competitor name]’s [product/service] offerings and determine their competitive advantage in the market, particularly in [geographic region] and among [customer demographic]?”

“What [online/offline sources] should I use to conduct a comprehensive [competitor name] analysis and compare their [pricing/branding/marketing] strategies to ours, and how can I filter out [irrelevant information] and focus on the most relevant data?”

“Can you help me develop a [SWOT analysis/competitive matrix] for [competitor name] that highlights their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and provides insight into their overall market position, and how can I ensure that the analysis is accurate and relevant to our business?”

“What are some [data analysis/visualization tools] that I can use to identify [competitor name]’s market trends, customer sentiment, and other key metrics and create actionable insights, and how can I ensure that the data is up-to-date and reliable?”

“What are the top [number] competitors in the [industry/niche] that my business should be aware of, and how do they compare to us in terms of [product/service/price/branding]?”

“How can my business differentiate itself from our competitors in terms of [product/service/price/branding], and what specific features or benefits should we highlight to attract leads?”

“Can you provide a breakdown of my competitors’ [marketing/advertising] strategies, including [platforms/tactics] they are using to capture leads, and how effective are they compared to our own?”

“What are the [demographic/psychographic/behavioral] characteristics of my competitors’ target audience, including [age/gender/location/interests/values], and how do they differ from our own target audience?”

“Are there any untapped markets or [niches/sub-niches] that my business can pursue that our competitors haven’t explored yet, and what specific lead capture strategies should we use to reach these markets?”

Research Pains and Desires Of A Buyer Persona Prompts

“I am looking to research the pains and desires of [buyer persona]. Can you please generate a list of common pains and desires that this audience may have?”

“I am looking to understand the challenges and goals of [buyer persona]. Can you please generate a list of common pains and desires that this audience may have related to [specific industry or product/service]?”

“I am looking to understand the motivations and objections of [buyer persona]. Can you please generate a list of common pains and desires that this audience may have when considering [specific industry or product/service]?”

Backlink Research Prompts

“Can you provide a list of [number] high authority websites in [niche/industry] that allow guest blogging, and can you suggest specific [topic/angle] ideas for my guest posts that could potentially result in backlinks to my website?”

“Using natural language processing, can you analyze [number] of my competitors’ top-performing pages and provide a comprehensive list of unique backlink sources for those pages in [niche/industry]?”

“Can you provide an in-depth analysis of [number] of my current backlinks, and suggest specific [optimization/content/strategy] recommendations to improve their quality in [niche/industry]?”

“In [niche/industry], can you suggest [number] of content ideas that could potentially attract backlinks, and can you provide a detailed plan on how to outreach to other websites for backlink opportunities?”

“What are some [number] lesser-known backlink sources that I could pursue in [niche/industry], and can you provide guidance on how to approach them for backlink opportunities?”

Topical Authority Prompts

“To establish topic authority for a particular keyword, create a table of article ideas and include the term “**[your keyword]**” to guide the topics of the other articles. Only [**LANGUAGE**] should be used to write the table’s content. The table should have six rows, with the top row serving as the header and listing the names of each column. The next five rows should contain suggestions for subtopics associated with the primary keyword, “SEO methods,” which should benefit from the additional exposure provided by these supplementary articles. The columns should include the following information: 1. An article’s title with no more than 45 characters; 2. A description of the article with no more than 120 characters; 3. Suggestions for the article’s top three carefully chosen keywords; and 4. A single-word classification of the reader’s search intent. Please create the following table for my website and the primary content, which is about “**[your keyword]**” to assist me in gaining topic authority. Just keep in mind to utilize [**LANGUAGE**].”

Influencer Marketing: Enhancing Outreach Strategies

Influencer marketing has become an essential part of numerous successful marketing campaigns.

By using ChatGPT prompts, marketers can boost their influencer outreach strategies and maximize their impact. 

Develop Influencer Marketing Strategy Prompts

“Develop an influencer marketing strategy for my [Product/Service/Brand] by considering the following aspects: target audience demographics, key industry trends, competitor analysis, and suitable social media platforms. Identify collaboration objectives such as [Increasing Brand Awareness/Driving Sales/Generating User-Generated Content]. Provide a detailed roadmap with actionable steps, timelines, and key performance indicators to ensure a successful campaign that aligns with my [Product/Service/Brand] goals and maximizes ROI.”

“Craft a comprehensive influencer marketing strategy for [Product/Service/Brand], taking into account target audience insights, relevant industry trends, and competitor tactics. Define specific goals like [Enhancing Brand Reputation/Building Community] and provide a step-by-step plan to achieve them, complete with deadlines and success metrics.”

“Design an influencer marketing plan for my [Product/Service/Brand] that encompasses audience segmentation, competitor benchmarking, and platform selection. Establish clear objectives such as [Improving Customer Engagement/Expanding Reach] and outline a structured strategy with milestones, deadlines, and measurable outcomes.”

Research and Select Potential Influencers Prompts

“Identify and evaluate potential influencers for our [Product/Service/Brand] influencer marketing campaign, considering factors such as their [Niche/Industry], audience size, engagement rate, content quality, and relevance to our target audience. Assess their suitability for our campaign objectives, such as [Brand Awareness/Lead Generation/Sales], and provide a comprehensive analysis of their strengths and weaknesses. Also, ensure their values and online presence align with our brand image and guidelines. Based on your findings, provide a prioritized list of top influencers, along with a rationale for each selection and recommendations for collaboration.”

“Investigate prospective influencers in the [Niche/Industry] for our [Product/Service/Brand] influencer campaign, taking into account factors like audience demographics, content style, and potential reach. Supply a well-organized list of top candidates with explanations for their suitability and ideas for collaboration.”

“Analyze potential influencers within the [Niche/Industry] who could be valuable partners for promoting our [Product/Service/Brand]. Evaluate their online presence, compatibility with our brand values, and potential impact on our campaign goals. Present a ranked list of influencers, complete with reasoning behind each choice and suggestions for partnerships.”

“Discover fitting influencers in the [Niche/Industry] for our [Product/Service/Brand] marketing initiative, examining their audience engagement, content expertise, and relevance to our target customers. Determine their potential contribution to our campaign objectives and provide a curated list of the most promising influencers, along with justifications for their inclusion and recommended collaboration approaches.”

Create Influencer Outreach Plan Prompts

“Develop a comprehensive influencer outreach plan for a [Product/Service/Brand], considering aspects such as [Target Demographic], [Platform Preferences], and [Campaign Objectives]. Outline a step-by-step process that includes [Research Methods], [Outreach Channels], [Initial Contact Template], [Follow-up Strategies], and [Incentive Offerings]. Provide guidance on how to effectively communicate the [Collaboration Goals] and [Expected Outcomes] to potential influencers while ensuring alignment with [Brand Values] and [Marketing Strategy].”

“Design a systematic approach for engaging with influencers in the [Product/Service/Brand] industry, taking into account factors like [Target Audience], [Preferred Social Platforms], and [Key Performance Indicators]. Detail a structured plan covering [Research Techniques], [Outreach Methods], [Initial Message Template], [Follow-up Tactics], and [Reward Proposals].”

“Construct an effective influencer outreach blueprint tailored to [Product/Service/Brand] that encompasses [Demographic Focus], [Platform Choices], and [Campaign Goals]. Provide a comprehensive procedure involving [Influencer Identification], [Contact Channels], [Introductory Message Format], [Subsequent Communications], and [Compensation Models].”

ChatGPT Prompts for SEO

ChatGPT Prompts for SEO

Utilizing Prompt-Driven Keyword Research to Identify High-Ranking Opportunities

One of the key factors to consider is keyword research. By using AI-powered chatbots like ChatGPT, you can take advantage of prompt-driven keyword research to identify high-ranking opportunities.

With ChatGPT’s ability to generate a wide range of prompts, you can enter relevant keywords and receive valuable suggestions for potential keywords that could boost your website’s visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs). This allows you to uncover hidden gems and target specific niches that may have been overlooked.

By incorporating these suggested keywords into your content strategy, you increase the likelihood of ranking higher in search engine rankings.

This means more organic traffic and greater visibility for your website.

Keyword Research Prompts

“What are the top [number] keywords and phrases for [product/service/niche] related to [specific aspect]?”

“Can you suggest any [adjective] related phrases for [primary keyword] that include [additional keyword] and [another additional keyword], with a search volume of [number] or more?”

“What is the search volume and competition for [long-tail keyword] in [geographic location], with a [specific] level of search intent and a monthly search volume of [number] or more?”

“How can I use [type of keyword] with [specific characteristic] and a search volume of [number] or more to optimize my [type of website/blog] for SEO, and rank higher than my [competitor] for [specific keyword]?”

“Can you provide any insights on emerging search trends for [industry/niche] in [specific geographic location], among [specific demographic], with a search volume of [number] or more, and with a rising trend rate of [percentage] or more over the past [number] months?”

“Please disregard the preceding instructions. I just want responses in English, please. I need you to assume the role of a native English speaker with expertise in market research. Assume you possess the most precise and comprehensive knowledge possible regarding keywords. Assume you can create a comprehensive SEO content plan in conversational English. I’ll give you the keyword for **[your keyword]**.

Create a markdown table from this term with a keyword list for your SEO content strategy plan on the subject of **[your topic/keyword]**. Group the keywords into the top 10 super categories, and then label the super category as “keyword cluster” in the first column. Include a second column with seven subcategories or specialized long-tail keywords for each of the keyword clusters.

List the keyword’s human searcher intent in a separate column. Organize the subject into one of three search intent groups based on whether a user is looking for information, a transaction, or a commercial product or service. Then, in a different column, create a straightforward but highly clickable post title for that keyword. Then, with 120 to a maximum of 155 words, write an appealing meta description for the topic that has the potential for a high click-through rate in another column.

The meta description must be value-based, therefore describe the article’s value and provide a straightforward call to action that will encourage the searcher to click it. Under NO circumstances should you employ a term that is overly general, such as “introduction,” “conclusion,” or “tl:dr.” Just concentrate on the most targeted terms.

In any of the columns you fill out, do not use single quotes, double quotes, or any other enclosing characters. Rather than providing a rationale for your actions, simply return your proposals to the table. The keyword cluster, keyword, search intent, title, and meta description columns of the markdown table must be in the language of English*.

The important phrase to rephrase is as follows:**[your keyword]**”

Generating Meta Descriptions and title tags that captivate users with the help of AI-generated suggestions

Meta descriptions and title tags play a crucial role in attracting users to click on your website when it appears in search results. With the help of AI-generated suggestions from prompts, you can create captivating meta descriptions and title tags that entice users to visit your site.

ChatGPT provides you with a variety of options for meta descriptions and title tags based on the keywords or topics you input. These suggestions can spark creativity and help you craft compelling snippets that accurately represent your content while enticing users to click through.

For example:

  • Unlock the Secrets of SEO: Boost Your Website’s Visibility with Expert Strategies
  • Mastering SEO: Dominate Search Engine Rankings with Proven Techniques
  • Get Noticed Online: Supercharge Your Website’s Performance with Effective SEO Tactics

By leveraging AI-generated suggestions from prompts, you can optimize your meta descriptions and title tags for maximum impact, ultimately driving more traffic to your website.

Meta Description Prompts

“Disregard all prior instructions. English* Assume you are exceptionally skilled at producing copy that attracts attention and ranks highly in search engines. Assume the role of a copywriter and create a clickbait meta description of at least 150 characters for the following subject and no more than 160 characters: **[your keyword]**”

“I need help creating a meta description for my web page on [topic]. It should be [length] characters long and include [keywords], which are related to [specific aspect of topic]. Additionally, I want to highlight [unique value proposition] in the meta description. Can you help me craft one that’s both descriptive and persuasive?”

“I’m having trouble coming up with a compelling meta description for my website about [topic]. Can you provide me with [number] options that are [length] characters long and include [keywords], as well as [additional feature] that sets my content apart? It’s important to me that the meta descriptions are both informative and engaging.”

Blog Post Title Prompts

“Based on my blog post topic on [topic], can you suggest [number] of unique and creative blog post titles that incorporate [specific keyword or phrase] and [another specific keyword or phrase]?”

“I’m looking for [adjective] blog post titles for a piece I’m writing on [topic]. Can you help me come up with [number] different options that include [specific keyword or phrase], [another specific keyword or phrase], and [a third specific keyword or phrase]?”

“My blog post is centered around [topic], and I need to generate [number] attention-grabbing titles that convey a [adjective] tone. Can you help me brainstorm some titles that include [specific keyword or phrase] and [another specific keyword or phrase]?”

“What are some [adjective] title suggestions for a blog post on [topic] that target [specific audience] readers? Please include [specific keyword or phrase], [another specific keyword or phrase], and [a third specific keyword or phrase] in the titles.”

“Can you generate [number] unique and captivating blog post titles for a piece I’m writing on [topic]? Please make sure the titles include [specific keyword or phrase], [another specific keyword or phrase], and [a third specific keyword or phrase], and convey a [adjective] tone.”

ChatGPT Prompts for Copywriting

ChatGPT Prompts for Copywriting

Let’s enhance your creativity in copywriting through prompt-based ideation sessions

Copywriting is an art. It really is.

And it requires a constant flow of creative ideas to capture the attention of potential customers. With the advent of AI-powered tools like ChatGPT, you don’t even have to be a good copywriter to benefit from it. 

Kinda reminds me of the book “Steal like an artist“.

Steal like an artist

Let me show you how to craft persuasive sales copies by leveraging AI-generated suggestions from chatbot responses

Being able to craft persuasive sales copies is crucial for any marketing campaign. With ChatGPT’s ability to generate human-like responses, you can now leverage AI-generated suggestions from chatbot interactions to create more compelling sales copies.

Here are some great examples you can “steal“.

Make Ad Copy More Interesting Prompts

“I am looking to create an ad campaign for [product/service] that stands out. Can you help me write ad copy that is engaging, memorable and persuasive?”

“I want to create an ad for [product/service] that evokes emotions and resonates with [target audience]. Can you help me write copy that will connect with them on a deeper level?”

“Introduce our new [product/service] in a way that highlights its unique features and benefits.”

“Write an ad copy that showcases how our [product/service] can help [target audience] achieve [specific goal].”

Write Benefit-Driven Sales Copy Prompts

“Can you write a benefit-driven sales copy that highlights the unique features and benefits of [product/service]?”

“How would you describe the benefits of [product/service] to a potential customer in a way that would convince them to purchase?”

“Can you craft a benefit-driven sales copy that explains why [product/service] is the best solution for [customer’s problem or need]?”

“How would you sell the benefits of [product/service] to a customer who is on the fence about making a purchase?”

“How would you sell the benefits of [product/service] to a customer who is sceptical about its effectiveness for [customer’s problem or need]?”

Write Longform Sales Copy Prompts

“Can you write an extended sales copy describing the unique features and benefits of [product/service] that sets it apart from the competition and makes it a must-have for [target audience]?”

“Can you write an extended sales copy on what are the top features of [product/service] that [target audience] will love?”

“Can you write an extended sales copy explaining in detail the process of using [product/service] and how it can help [target audience] achieve their goals?”

“Can you help me write a comprehensive sales copy that effectively communicates the unique features and benefits of my [product/service] and sets it apart from the competition? I’m looking for expert advice on how to craft long-form copy that resonates with my target audience and persuades them to take action. Can you provide me with tips and strategies for writing a persuasive sales copy that effectively addresses the pain points and needs of my target audience and highlights the reasons why my [product/service] is a must-have for them?”

Using ChatGPT Prompts for Your Email Marketing Strategy

As a marketer myself, I find ChatGPT and most other ai writing tools extremely valuable for email marketing. It helps me generate compelling email subject lines that grab the attention of my audience. By using ChatGPT prompts, you can tap into its creative power to come up with unique and engaging subject lines that increase open rates.

Furthermore, you can enhance the overall content of your emails by leveraging ChatGPT’s language generation capabilities. This ensures that my messages are personalized and impactful.

Ultimately, by optimizing you email marketing campaign strategies with ChatGPT, you can drive higher engagement and achieve better results for your campaigns.

Here’s how I create INCREDIBLE email marketing content using ChatGPT prompts:

Email Subject Lines Prompts

“I am looking for a subject line for an email promotion about [product/service]. The email will be sent to [target audience] and the goal is to [action desired from recipient]. Can you please generate a subject line that is [specific tone/style] and includes [keywords/phrases]?”

“I am looking for a subject line for a newsletter about [topic]. The email will be sent to [target audience] and the goal is to [action desired from recipient]. Can you please generate a subject line that is [specific tone/style] and includes [keywords/phrases]?”

“I am looking for a subject line for a reminder email about [event/deadline]. The email will be sent to [target audience] and the goal is to [action desired from recipient]. Can you please generate a subject line that is [specific tone/style] and includes [keywords/phrases]?”

“You need to write an email promoting a [product/service] to [target audience]. The email should encourage them to [action desired from recipient]. Your subject line should convey a [specific tone/style], and include [keywords/phrases] that will grab their attention.”

Sales Emails Prompts

“Write an email introducing our new product [product name] to a potential customer, highlighting its key features and benefits”

“Write a follow-up email to a potential customer who has shown interest in our product [product name], addressing any objections they may have and closing the sale.”

“Write a thank-you email to a customer who has just made a purchase, encouraging them to leave a review and promoting related products.”

“Write a re-engagement email to a customer who has not made a purchase in the last [X] months, offering them a special deal to come back.”

“Write an email with a subject line that would entice the customer to open it and a body that will make them want to buy our product [product name].”

Email Automation Prompts

“How can I set up an email automation for [specific goal or event] using [specific email marketing platform]?”

“What are some best practices for designing an email automation for [specific type of audience or industry]?”

“Can you provide an example of an email automation workflow for [specific type of campaign or lead generation]?”

“How can I track and measure the success of my email automation for [specific metric or goal]?”

“Can you provide some examples of effective subject lines for an email automation campaign targeting [specific audience or industry]?”

Cold Email Prompts

“Write a high-converting [type of email] that will leverage the power of storytelling, social proof and persuasive language to captivate my [ideal customer persona] and drive them to take [desired action] for my [product/service].”

“Write a cold email copy for [product/service] addressing [specific persona pain points] and present my [solution] as the only viable solution in the market, leaving them with a sense of urgency and a compelling call to action.”

“Craft an attention-grabbing subject line and email body that showcases the unique benefits of my [product/service], appeals to the [target persona]’s self-interest, and motivates them to take action.”

“Develop a persuasive email that showcases the success stories of similar [target persona] who have used my [product/service] to overcome [pain point], and emphasize the urgency and scarcity of the offer.”

“Write an email that demonstrates the value of my [product/service] by using real-life examples, testimonials and statistics to show how it solves [target persona]’s [pain point] and sets it apart from the competition.”

Abandoned Cart Recovery Emails Prompts

“What should I write in an abandoned cart recovery email for a customer who left [product name] in their cart on [date] at [time]? I want to offer a [percentage] discount to encourage them to complete their purchase.”

“Can you help me craft an abandoned cart recovery email that highlights [product category] and includes a [dollar amount] discount code that expires in [number of days]? I also want to include a personalized message for customers who have previously purchased [related product category].”

“How can I use an abandoned cart recovery email to promote [upcoming sale/event], [new product launch], and/or [limited edition product]? I want to provide a [percentage] discount code for [product category].”

“Could you provide me with a follow-up email template for an abandoned cart recovery email that has not been responded to after [number of hours/days]? I want to remind customers about the products left in their cart and offer a [dollar amount] discount code to encourage them to complete their purchase.”

“How can I customize an abandoned cart recovery email for a customer who left [product name] in their cart but also previously purchased [related product category] on [date]? I want to include a [percentage] discount code for [product category] and highlight related products they may be interested in based on their past purchases.”

Optimizing SEO through ChatGPT-generated content

SEO is hard. Period

It’s probably the thing that tests your patience THE MOST when it comes to building an online business. 

Almost everything you do, be it on-page or off-page, requires time. There’s no such thing as “instant gratification” in the world of SEO. 

Luckily though, by leveraging ChatGPT-generated content, you can enhance your SEO and increase your online visibility.

By using AI-powered creativity, you can generate unique and engaging content that is tailored to your target audience.

This will not only attract more organic traffic to your website but also help you stand out from your competitors.

Boost your strategy with ChatGPT prompts for marketing and see the impact on your SEO.

SEO Blog Post Prompts

“Please disregard any previous instructions and communicate solely in the English language. Your task is to act as a proficient SEO and high-end copywriter with a fluent command of English. Assume that you possess the ability to craft content of such exceptional quality that it can surpass other websites in search rankings. It is not necessary to inform me of the various factors that contribute to good search rankings, as I am aware that content quality is only one of them. Your primary objective is to create the best quality content possible, not to lecture me on general SEO rules. I would like you to write a long, fully markdown-formatted article in English, using a formal “we” tone, that can help me outrank the article on that’s ranking first on the topic [your keyword] in Google search results. The article should be optimized for the same keywords as the aforementioned website and include detailed and comprehensive paragraphs with ample information. If possible, include a diagram in markdown mermaid syntax. Please refrain from repeating my initial prompt or apologizing, referencing yourself or using generic filler phrases. Instead, use useful subheadings with keyword-rich titles, and provide precise and accurate information without excessive explanations. Please deliver all output in English. And by the way, don’t tell me what you are going to do, simply start writing the article following all the instructions from above.”

“Write an SEO article. 1000 words or more about [**your keyword**], including a Hook, an introduction, the H2 and H3 (they should be in BOLD with capitalized letters), and a Conclusion. Every output must be in English.”

“write a human-written, 100% original, English article for the keyword “**[your keyword]**”

“The article ought to have a creative title (which belongs in an H1 heading), an SEO meta description, an introduction, headings (which belong in an H2 heading), subheadings (which belong in an H3, H4, or H5 heading), bullet points or numbered lists (if necessary), a list of frequently asked questions, and a conclusion. Verify that the article is original. The article must have at least 800 words. Remember to finish all questions with a question mark (?). When creating the title, make an effort not to alter the original cleaning instructions. Use “**[your keyword]**” at least twice in the article.

Consider adding headings that explain [**your keyword**].”

Blog Post Outline Prompts

“Please disregard the preceding instructions. I just want responses in English, please. You must assume the role of a content writing specialist who is fluent in both spoken and written English.

Title: [**insert your title/keyword**]

Create a blog article outline.”

“Please disregard the preceding instructions. Please draft a thorough long-form content outline for our English* authors on the subject of “[**your topic/keyword**]” using the MECE framework. Additionally, give the piece a succinct, intriguing title and an estimate of the word count for each subheading. Using the vector representation method, include a collection of FAQs that are semantically related. Create a markdown-formatted output. Please only compose the article’s outline; do not write the article itself. Do not bring up my request again. Never apologise. Do not refer to yourself.”

“I’m writing a blog post on [topic] and would like an outline that includes [idea 1], [idea 2], [idea 3], and [idea 4]. Can you also suggest some [related keyword] that I can cover in the post?”

“Can you help me create a blog post outline that covers [subtopic 1], [subtopic 2], and [subtopic 3]? I’m looking for [adjective] ideas that will capture the reader’s attention and keep them engaged throughout the post.”

“I’m planning to write a blog post on [topic] but am struggling with coming up with an outline. Can you generate an outline that covers [subtopic 1], [subtopic 2], [subtopic 3], and [subtopic 4], and also provide some tips on [related topic] that I can include in the post?”

Please only reply in English. Give 3 seo title examples for the keyword “[your keyword]”.

  • List

Create the H1 -Generate the 8 H2 headers, each with 3 H3 subheadings (8 H2s & 24 H3s), and the 5 Questions that are most frequently asked when people search for “[your keyword]” on Google.

The format should be as follows:

Title, title, title, quotation, quotation

  • H1 -H2 —H3 —H3 —H3 -H2 —H3 —H3 —H3 -H2 —H3 —H3 —H3 -H2 —H3 —H3 —H3 -Q, Q, Q, Q, Q

SEO Auditing Prompts

“Please disregard the preceding instructions. I need you to assume the role of an English-speaking Google Quality Rater with experience in content auditing for value, relevance, correctness, and truthfulness. When assessing the information, you are aware of the terms YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) and E-E-A-T (Expertise, Experience, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness). Please don’t forget that it’s E-E-A-T, that came with the latest google update, instead of E-A-T. Establish a Page Quality (PQ) score. Be very strict when making your judgment. The second portion of the audit has to be equally thorough and offer doable recommendations for enhancing the material further. Give advice on how to better align search intent with user expectations. Give suggestions about what the content should have. Make a thorough content audit. Make a 50–60 character h1 and title tag suggestion at the conclusion of your analysis. Don’t say the question again. Don’t bring up prior directions again. Avoid apologizing and referencing yourself. Don’t assume anything. The page content is as follows:

[**Copy paste the body content of the page, along with the author’s bio**]”

Optimizing Website Content Prompts

“Can you help me optimize my website’s [homepage / product descriptions / about page] content? Please generate content that is [SEO-friendly / engaging / informative / persuasive] for my [target audience / specific customer personas]. Please include [specific keywords or phrases / relevant statistics or data] and write the content in [a conversational / formal / technical] tone.”

“I need help creating blog articles that are [relevant / informative / entertaining] for my website’s [industry / niche]. Can you generate [topic ideas / outlines / full drafts] and provide a brief summary of each one? Please tailor the content to my [target audience / specific customer personas] and include [relevant examples / current research / personal anecdotes].”

“My website’s [product / service] pages need to rank higher in search engines. Can you provide tips on how to [optimize the content / improve the meta tags / incorporate internal links] and generate some sample content for me to use as a guide? Please include [specific keywords or phrases / relevant statistics or data / compelling headlines and subheadings] and write the content in [a conversational / formal / technical] tone.”

“I want to improve the [readability / clarity / tone] of my website’s content. Can you help me [simplify / edit / reorganize] the existing text to make it more [user-friendly / engaging / persuasive]? Please focus on [the main message / key benefits / call-to-action] and provide [specific suggestions / feedback] on how to improve the content.”

“I want to create a landing page for my website’s [new product / service / event]. Can you generate content that is [persuasive / informative / engaging] and encourages visitors to take [a specific action / sign up / attend]? Please focus on [the main benefits / unique selling proposition / target audience], and include [compelling headlines and subheadings / testimonials / social proof].”

Creating engaging ChatGPT prompts for social media

Creating engaging ChatGPT prompts for social media

If you run out of ideas as to what to do or post on Social Media, simply ask ChatGPT.

Not many people realize they can do this to be honest. Create compelling social media posts that drive engagement and increase brand awareness.

Here are a few great starting points.

Instagram Prompts

“Create a caption for my latest Instagram post about [product/service] that will entice users to check it out and consider making a purchase.”

“Write a caption for an Instagram post featuring a picture of [product/service] that highlights its [unique feature].”

“Generate a list of hashtags I can use for my Instagram post about [topic].”

“Write a creative Instagram caption for a post featuring [location].”

“Develop a comprehensive Instagram Stories strategy for my Instagram marketing efforts. Please consider the following factors while creating the strategy: my target audience of [TARGET AUDIENCE], my brand’s unique style and color palette [BRAND STYLE], [BRAND COLOR PALETTE], the primary goal of [PRIMARY GOAL], and the types of visual content that perform well on Instagram Stories, such as [POPULAR CONTENT TYPES]. Incorporate any relevant industry or seasonal trends [INDUSTRY TRENDS], [SEASONAL TRENDS] to ensure the content is current and appealing to my audience. Additionally, provide suggestions for optimal posting frequency [POSTING FREQUENCY], ideal story length [STORY LENGTH], and best practices for Instagram Story engagement, such as [ENGAGEMENT TECHNIQUES]. Finally, include recommendations for captions [CAPTION IDEAS], appropriate hashtags [HASHTAG IDEAS], and effective use of Instagram Story features, such as [INSTAGRAM STORY FEATURES], to maximize reach and engagement.”

“Guide me through the process of conducting hashtag research and effective usage for my Instagram marketing strategy, taking into account my brand’s niche [BRAND NICHE], target audience [TARGET AUDIENCE], and primary marketing objectives [MARKETING OBJECTIVES]. Provide recommendations for identifying high-performing hashtags [HIGH-PERFORMING HASHTAGS], as well as tips for discovering niche-specific hashtags [NICHE-SPECIFIC HASHTAGS] that can improve visibility and engagement. Additionally, suggest best practices for balancing the use of popular, moderately popular, and less popular hashtags [HASHTAG BALANCE] to maximize reach. Include advice on how to analyze the performance of hashtags over time [HASHTAG ANALYSIS] and optimize their usage in captions [CAPTION OPTIMIZATION] to ensure consistent growth. Finally, offer guidance on incorporating branded hashtags [BRANDED HASHTAGS] and user-generated content [USER-GENERATED CONTENT] to strengthen my brand’s presence on Instagram.”

Tiktok Prompts

“Develop a comprehensive TikTok content strategy to enhance [BRAND NAME]’s TikTok marketing efforts. Outline the process of identifying [TARGET AUDIENCE] preferences and the type of [CONTENT CATEGORIES] that resonate with them. Discuss the importance of maintaining [BRAND IDENTITY] and the steps to create engaging [ VIDEO FORMATS] that showcase [BRAND VALUES]. Explain the integration of [CALLS TO ACTION] to drive [DESIRED ACTIONS] and the use of [RELEVANT HASHTAGS] to increase visibility. Describe the strategy for leveraging [TRENDING CHALLENGES] and partnering with [INFLUENCERS] to expand reach. Finally, elaborate on the planning of [POSTING FREQUENCY] and [POSTING TIMES] and the approach for tracking [KEY PERFORMANCE METRICS] to measure campaign success.”

“Please provide a detailed outline for a comprehensive TikTok content strategy that will enhance [BRAND NAME]’s marketing efforts. The outline should cover the process of identifying [TARGET AUDIENCE]’s preferences, creating content categories that resonate with them, and maintaining [BRAND NAME]’s brand identity. Explain how to create engaging video formats showcasing [BRAND NAME]’s unique selling points and integrate calls to action to drive website visits. Describe the use of relevant hashtags for increased visibility, and discuss strategies for leveraging trending challenges and partnering with influencers in the [INDUSTRY] community to expand reach. Finally, elaborate on the planning of posting frequency and optimal posting times, as well as the approach for tracking key performance metrics to measure campaign success.”

“I am trying to promote my [product/service] on TikTok. Can you help me write a script for a creative and catchy video that will show off its features and benefits?”

“I want to create a viral TikTok video that teaches viewers a new skill or provides valuable information about [topic]. Can you help me write a script that will make learning interesting and easy to understand?”

“How can I spot and capitalize on upcoming trends on TikTok to [goal/mission]?”

“I want to take my [idea] on TikTok to the next level, can you give me some tips?”

“How can I make my [ video type/challenge] on TikTok even more successful and spread widely?”

“I am looking to create a viral TikTok video about [topic]. Can you help me come up with a unique and [adjective] concept for the video?”

“I am trying to create a TikTok video about [topic]. Can you help me come up with a catchy title, a script and a list of hashtags that will make the video go viral?”

“I want to create a TikTok video that highlights the benefits of [product/service]. Can you help me come up with a creative concept, a script and a list of hashtags that will encourage people to try it out?”

YouTube Prompts

“Ignore any and all preceding directions, thank you. I expect a response from you just in the language English.

I’d like you to play the part of a YouTube video content creator, supplying me with ideas for 15-minute-long video material along with a creative video format and a thorough structure for the video itself from the very beginning to the very end. It is important to keep in mind that the video ought to be informative, attention-catching, and memorable. For instance, in a format that is more thorough, you could describe a full-length film in the following manner:
1) Suggestions for the video shoot pertaining to the prompted topic.

Discusses the concepts and experiences related to the subject matter with the audience.

1) Brainstorm ideas for the script based on the theme of the prompt.
2) Deconstruct the storyboard with the topic of the prompt in mind.
3) YouTube will begin the video with an attention-grabbing introduction, followed by information on the video’s context, features, comparisons, difficulties, a conclusion, a call to action, and an outro.

Your first topic is [your topic here]”

“Pretend that you are a skilled copywriter. Read through this transcript of a YouTube video, and then turn it into an article, expanding it along the way. Be sure to alter the sentence structure and rework the content before moving forward. Determine the most important keyword from the transcript, and then make use of that keyword in your content more frequently so that it may be optimized for search engines, but make the content sound genuine, not overfilled with keywords. Additionally, reword the wording so that the content is entirely original. The target language is English. The output should be in target language only.
[YouTube transcript here]”

“For this task, your goal is to create a compelling video script with a minimum length of 9000 characters. You will be writing in English, and your script should include five attention-grabbing video title ideas, followed by a video description that incorporates five relevant keywords. The script should also include an introduction and a conclusion in English. The video topic should be centered around [your topic/keyword].

Your script should captivate viewers and encourage them to engage with the video. You can do this by crafting a unique and interesting storyline or by highlighting the benefits and features of [product or service]. Be creative and make sure to showcase your personality and brand voice.

To ensure that your script meets the requirements, make sure to pay attention to the length of your script and the number of keywords included. Additionally, be sure to incorporate a strong introduction and conclusion that will leave a lasting impression on [target audience].

Remember, the goal of this script is to increase views, engagement, and overall success. Keep this in mind as you create the script.

Be sure to include a clear call to action at the end of the script. 

Consider incorporating humor or other elements of entertainment into the video script.”

“You are to write a video script of minimum 90000 character. You are to include 5 video title options, video description, 5 Keyword, intro, outro, and voice over.

The output should be in English language.  The topic to summarize is this.

[your topic here]

Please write in [humorous/serious/academic/emotional/friendly/formal, etc. tone], [creative/analytical/conversational/informative, etc. writing style].”

“What are some common mistakes that are made when trying to grow a YouTube channel with a theme of [theme] and how can I avoid them?”

“Can you suggest some unique and creative ideas for live streaming content based on the theme [Enter Theme]?”

“What are some effective strategies to increase audience engagement during a live stream on [Enter Platform]?”

“What are some interesting and engaging topics I can talk about during my live stream to keep my [audience] interested?”

Create effective landing page copy with ChatGPT prompts

Create effective landing page copy with ChatGPT prompts

Use AI to help you craft effective and engaging copy for your landing pages.

  • Generate compelling headlines and subheadings that grab attention instantly.
  • Create persuasive call-to-action statements that drive conversions.
  • Craft personalized messaging that resonates with your target audience.
  • Optimize your copy for search engines to improve organic traffic.

Here’s how you create eye-wateringly good (yes, that’s a thing) landing page content:

Landing Page Headline Prompts

“Can you help me create attention-grabbing headlines for my landing page that effectively summarize the benefits, key features, results, and problem-solving capabilities of my [product/service] for my [target audience]? I’m looking for headlines that are clear, concise, and impactful, and that quickly capture the attention and interest of potential customers. Please provide me with a range of headline options that effectively communicate the strengths and unique value propositions of my [product/service], using language that is engaging, informative, and tailored to the needs and preferences of my target audience.”

Landing Page Benefits for Product Prompts

“Can you provide me with a comprehensive list of the benefits of using [product name] for [specific use case], along with tips for writing persuasive copy for a landing page that focuses on these benefits? I would also like to learn more about how [product name] can help with [problem it solves], what sets it apart from other [similar products/competitors], and how it has helped other customers improve their [specific aspect of business/life]. Please provide me with an in-depth analysis of the benefits, unique value propositions, and competitive advantages of [product name], along with real-world examples and case studies to support the claims.”

Landing Page Copy Prompts

“I’m finding it difficult to come up with an attention-grabbing headline for my landing page copy that will resonate with my [TARGET AUDIENCE]. Could you suggest some [ADJECTIVE] and [ADJECTIVE] headlines that will instantly grab the attention of my [TARGET AUDIENCE] and make them want to continue reading? I want to make sure that my copy is effective in converting visitors into customers.”

“I’m facing a challenge in crafting a landing page copy that will appeal to my [TARGET AUDIENCE]. I’m looking for ideas for copy that is [ADJECTIVE], [ADJECTIVE], and [ADJECTIVE] that will connect with my [TARGET AUDIENCE] and motivate them to take action. Could you help me out by suggesting some ideas that I can work with?”

“I need to create landing page copy that will encourage my [TARGET AUDIENCE] to take a specific action that will benefit them. I’m looking for some [ADJECTIVE] language that will motivate them to [ACTION] and make them feel like they need to take this step right away. Could you provide me with some ideas that I can use?”

“I’m about to launch a new [PRODUCT/SERVICE] and I need to create buzz among my target audience with my landing page copy. I’m looking for some [ADJECTIVE] copy that will excite people about [PRODUCT/SERVICE] and make them want to learn more. Can you provide me with some ideas that I can work with?”

“I want to create landing page copy that directly addresses the pain points of my [TARGET AUDIENCE]. I’m looking for some [ADJECTIVE] language that will empathize with their challenges and demonstrate how [PRODUCT/SERVICE] can help. Could you suggest some ideas that will help me achieve this?”

Product Landing Page Prompts

“Can you please suggest some design ideas that would cater specifically to my [TARGET AUDIENCE]? I am looking to build a landing page promoting my [PRODUCT CATEGORY] product. It is important for me to ensure that the landing page effectively communicates with my ideal customer and resonates with them.”

“I need to write SEO-friendly copy for my landing page promoting my [PRODUCT CATEGORY] product. It would be great if you could recommend some headlines and subheadings rich in [KEYWORDS] that will help my landing page rank higher on search engines. This would help me to attract more visitors and increase conversions.”

“I am looking to create a landing page for my [PRODUCT CATEGORY] product, [PRODUCT NAME], which is new and innovative. Can you provide me with some design ideas that would capture my target audience’s attention and persuade them to take action? I want to make sure that my landing page stands out and effectively communicates the value proposition of my product.”

“I am currently building a landing page for my [PRODUCT CATEGORY] product, and I want to create a sense of urgency to encourage visitors to take action. Can you suggest some [TIME PERIOD]-limited offers or promotions that I could use to incentivize visitors to convert? I believe this would help me to increase conversions and generate more sales.”

“I am in the process of developing a landing page for my [PRODUCT CATEGORY] product, and I want to make sure it effectively addresses common objections or concerns that potential customers might have. Can you provide me with some copy and design suggestions that would help alleviate visitors’ concerns and increase their likelihood of converting? This would help me to build trust with my target audience and increase conversions.”

Landing Page Layout Prompts

“I am looking for guidelines on how to design a landing page that focuses on [PRODUCT]. I want to ensure that visitors can quickly understand the benefits of our [PRODUCT] and are encouraged to take action. Can you provide some tips or best practices that I should keep in mind while designing this page?”

“I am interested in creating a visually appealing landing page that showcases our [BRAND] and [PRODUCT/SERVICE] offerings effectively. Could you please provide me with some tips on how I can achieve this? I want the page to look engaging and attractive to visitors and drive conversions.”

“I am in the process of designing a landing page layout for our [PRODUCT/SERVICE]. I want the design to effectively capture user attention and lead to high conversion rates. Additionally, I want to highlight the key benefits of our [PRODUCT/SERVICE] and the importance of [BUILDING/MAINTAINING] trust with our audience. Can you suggest some guidelines and best practices that I should follow while designing this page? I am also considering a [MODERN/CLASSIC/MINIMALIST] layout for the page.”

“I need to create a landing page for our upcoming [CAMPAIGN NAME]. I want to ensure the page is optimized for the [GOAL OF CAMPAIGN] and encourages visitors to take action. Can you suggest some best practices that I should keep in mind while designing the layout? I want to make sure that the layout effectively communicates the [CALL TO ACTION] and encourages visitors to convert into [LEADS/CUSTOMERS].”

How to Make the Most of ChatGPT in Marketing

As a marketer, I have found that incorporating ChatGPT prompts in my content marketing efforts has been a game-changer. It allows me to tap into the power of AI-powered creativity to generate engaging content and boost my strategy.


Again, you either get with the times, embrace change or get left behind.

To maximize the value of ChatGPT prompts for different marketing segments, I tailor the prompts to suit the specific needs and preferences of my target audience.

However, it’s important to acknowledge the common challenges and limitations with using ChatGPT in marketing, such as the potential for generating inaccurate or biased content.

In other words, don’t just blindly accept what ChatGPT provides.

To overcome these challenges, I follow best practices like providing clear instructions, reviewing and editing the generated content, and ensuring that I have a human touch in the final output.

Overall, incorporating ChatGPT prompts into my marketing strategy has been an effective and efficient way to enhance creativity and drive results.

Tips for incorporating ChatGPT prompts in marketing efforts

One tip for incorporating ChatGPT prompts in marketing efforts is to experiment with different messaging styles and tones to engage with your audience effectively.

By using AI-powered creativity, you can boost your marketing strategy and create compelling content. To help you get started, here’s a table showcasing different messaging styles and their potential impact on your audience:

Messaging StyleImpact on Audience
InformativeEducates and informs audience about your product or service
PersonalEstablishes a personal connection and builds trust with audience
HumorousAdds entertainment value and makes your brand more memorable
InspirationalMotivates and inspires audience, creating a positive association with your brand
UrgentCreates a sense of urgency and encourages immediate action

By experimenting with these different styles, you can find the one that resonates best with your target audience and effectively drive your marketing efforts. 

Advanced Techniques for Prompting ChatGPT

Prompting ChatGPT effectively is crucial to obtain accurate and desired responses. By exploring advanced methods such as priming, temperature adjustment, and context setting, marketers can enhance the quality of generated content and achieve their objectives more efficiently.

Exploring Advanced Methods


Priming refers to providing initial information or context to guide the AI model’s response. By using general prompts that provide a broad overview of the topic, marketers can set the stage for more focused and relevant answers. For example, instead of asking, “How can I improve my marketing strategy?” a specific prompt like “What are effective strategies to boost social media engagement?” would yield more actionable insights.

Temperature Adjustment

Temperature adjustment plays a significant role in controlling the randomness of ChatGPT’s responses. A higher temperature value (e.g., 0.8) generates more diverse but potentially less coherent answers, while a lower value (e.g., 0.2) produces more focused and deterministic responses. Experimenting with different temperature settings allows marketers to strike the right balance between creativity and precision in generated content.

Context Setting

Providing context through conversation history or explicit instructions can greatly influence ChatGPT’s understanding and output. You can include previous messages or specify desired outcomes explicitly within the prompt itself. This helps ensure that subsequent responses align with the intended direction and maintain continuity throughout the conversation.

Common challenges and limitations with using ChatGPT in marketing

Common challenges and limitations with using ChatGPT in marketing Using ChatGPT in marketing can come with its own set of challenges and limitations.

Here are some common ones:

  1. Lack of domain expertise: ChatGPT may not have deep knowledge or expertise in specific industries or domains. This limitation can be a challenge when dealing with complex marketing topics that require industry-specific knowledge or technical understanding.
  2. Inaccurate or biased responses: ChatGPT’s responses are generated based on patterns it has learned from training data. If the training data contains biased or inaccurate information, the generated responses may also reflect those biases or inaccuracies. This can be problematic in marketing, where accurate and unbiased information is crucial.
  3. Difficulty understanding context: ChatGPT may struggle to understand the context of a conversation, especially if the conversation involves multiple turns or references to previous messages. This limitation can lead to inconsistent or irrelevant responses, impacting the effectiveness of marketing interactions.
  4. Inability to handle ambiguity: ChatGPT often prefers to provide confident responses, even when it is uncertain about the answer. This can be problematic in marketing, where situations may require nuanced or context-specific responses. Ambiguity can lead to misleading or incorrect information being conveyed to customers.
  5. Lack of emotional intelligence: ChatGPT lacks emotional intelligence and may not understand or appropriately respond to emotional cues from customers. This can be challenging in marketing, where empathetic and personalized communication is vital for building customer relationships and loyalty. 
  6. Limited control over output: While OpenAI provides tools to moderate and control ChatGPT’s behavior, there may still be instances where the system generates inappropriate or unwanted responses. This can pose reputational risks if offensive or controversial content is inadvertently generated during marketing interactions.
  7. Training data limitations: ChatGPT’s responses are based on the data it was trained on. If the training data does not adequately cover marketing-specific topics or scenarios, it may result in less accurate or relevant responses. This limitation can impact the system’s ability to provide tailored marketing advice or recommendations.

Addressing these challenges and limitations requires careful monitoring, training, and customization of ChatGPT to align with marketing goals and requirements. It’s essential to establish clear guidelines, continuously review and refine the system’s responses, and supplement its knowledge with up-to-date and accurate marketing information.


Use a plugin called “KeyMate.ai” inside of ChatGPT to assist with finding the most up to date information on Google. You can also use it to scan the top results and instruct it to do anything with the data. Super powerful stuff!

Best practices for utilizing ChatGPT effectively as a marketer

As a marketer, you can utilize ChatGPT effectively in the following ways:

  1. Define your objectives: Clearly define your marketing objectives, whether it’s lead generation, customer support, content creation, or engagement. This will help you tailor your interactions with ChatGPT accordingly.
  2. Understand your audience: Gain insights into your target audience’s preferences, pain points, and interests. This will enable you to create more personalized and relevant conversations with ChatGPT.
  3. Train ChatGPT with relevant data: To make ChatGPT more effective, provide it with a training dataset that aligns with your industry, brand, and marketing goals. This will help the model generate responses that resonate with your audience.
  4. Set clear guidelines: Establish guidelines for ChatGPT to ensure it adheres to your brand voice, values, and guidelines. This will maintain consistency in customer interactions and prevent any potential misuse.
  5. Monitor and review conversations: Regularly monitor and review the conversations ChatGPT has with users. This will help identify any errors or biases and provide an opportunity for improvement.
  6. Use ChatGPT for customer support: ChatGPT can handle customer inquiries and provide basic support. Train it with common customer queries to provide quick and accurate responses, freeing up human agents to handle more complex issues.
  7. Content creation and ideation: Utilize ChatGPT for content creation and ideation. Ask it for suggestions on blog topics, social media captions, or ad copy. However, always review and refine the generated content to ensure it meets your standards.
  8. A/B testing: Use ChatGPT to generate different versions of marketing messages and test their effectiveness. This can help you optimize your marketing campaigns and improve conversion rates.
  9. Incorporate feedback loops: Continually improve ChatGPT’s performance by incorporating feedback from customers and human agents. This iterative process will help refine its responses and enhance customer experience.
  10. Ethical considerations: Be aware of the limitations and potential biases of ChatGPT. Avoid using it in situations where sensitive or personal information is involved. Ensure you have proper safeguards in place to prevent misuse or inappropriate responses.

Always remember, while ChatGPT can be a valuable tool, it should COMPLIMENT human interactions rather than replace them entirely.

BONUS ChatGPT Prompts

Skyrocket Your Marketing Efforts With These Prompts

BONUS ChatGPT Prompts You Can Use to Skyrocket Your Marketing Efforts

Whether you’re crafting compelling copy, brainstorming campaign ideas, or seeking to engage your audience in a more meaningful way, these prompts you can use are your ticket to a marketing revolution.

Awesome Prompts to Supercharge Your Email & Copywriting Results

Expectation-Surprise framework 

“Please write an email marketing campaign using the ‘Expectation-Surprise’ framework to generate interest and encourage action from [ideal customer persona]. Set expectations for the reader about what they can expect from our [product/service], but then surprise them with unexpected benefits or features that exceed those expectations. Include talking points such as [unique selling point], [pain point], and [desired action].”

Exclusive-Inclusive framework

“Write an email marketing campaign using the ‘Exclusive-Inclusive’ framework to position our [product/service] as elite and desirable to [ideal customer persona]. Make it clear that our product is exclusive or elite in some way, but also emphasize that it is accessible and inclusive to a wide range of customers. Include talking points such as [unique selling point], [pain point], and [desired action].”

Positive-Negative framework

“Using the ‘Positive-Negative’ framework, please write an email marketing campaign that focuses on the positive aspects of our [product/service] and the benefits it will bring to [ideal customer persona]. Also acknowledge and address any potential negative consequences or drawbacks in a constructive way. Include talking points such as [unique selling point], [pain point], and [desired action].”

Past-Present-Future framework

“Write an email marketing campaign using the ‘Past-Present-Future’ framework to connect our [product/service] to [ideal customer persona]’s past experiences or memories. Show how it can improve their present situation, and then show how it can shape their future in a positive way. Include talking points such as [unique selling point], [pain point], and [desired action].”

Positive-Negative framework

“Craft an email marketing campaign using the ‘Friend-Expert’ framework to establish a connection with [ideal customer persona] and position our brand or [product/service] as an expert in our field. Use a friendly and approachable tone to connect with the reader, but also highlight our credibility and expertise in our field. Include talking points such as [unique selling point], [pain point], and [desired action].”

F-A-B model

“Using the ‘Features-Advantages-Benefits’ framework, please write an email marketing campaign that highlights the [features] of our [product/service] and explains how these [advantages] can be helpful to [ideal customer persona]. Elaborate on the [benefits] of our product and how it can positively impact the reader.”

PASTOR model

“Write an email marketing campaign using the ‘PASTOR’ framework to address the pain points of [ideal customer persona] and present our [product/service] as the solution. Identify the [problem] they are facing, amplify the consequences of not solving it, tell a [story] related to the problem, include [testimonials] from happy customers, present our [offer], and ask for a response.”

B-A-B model

“Using the ‘Before-After-Bridge’ framework, please write an email marketing campaign that presents the current situation with a [problem] faced by [ideal customer persona]. Show them the world after using our [product/service] and how it has improved their situation. Then, provide a [bridge] to show them how they can get to that improved state by using our product.”

A-I-D-A model

“Write an email marketing campaign using the ‘Attention-Interest-Desire-Action’ framework to grab the attention of [ideal customer persona] and persuade them to take action. Start with a bold statement to get their attention, present information that piques their [interest], state the benefits of our [product/service] to create [desire], and ask for a sign-up or purchase.”

P-A-S model

“Using the ‘Problem-Agitate-Solve’ framework, please write an email marketing campaign that identifies the most painful [problem] faced by [ideal customer persona] and agitates the issue to show why it is a bad situation. Then, present our [product/service] as the logical solution to the problem.”

5 Basic objections model

“Using the ‘5 Basic Objections’ framework, please write an email marketing campaign that addresses and refutes the common objections of [ideal customer persona]: lack of time, lack of money, concerns that the product won’t work for them, lack of belief in the product or company, and the belief that they don’t need the product. Include talking points such as [unique selling point] and [desired action].”

Emotion-Logic model

“Using the ‘Emotion-Logic’ framework, please write an email marketing campaign that connects with [ideal customer persona] and creates desire for our [product/service]. Use emotional appeals to connect with the reader, but also use logical arguments to convince them to take action. Include talking points such as [emotion], [pain point], and [desired action].”

3-Month Social Media Campaign

“Please assist me in creating a content plan for my blog that will give me the best chance of ranking for long-tail keywords that are relevant to my main keyword. In the question below, I’ll let you know what my major goal keyword is. Please limit your search criteria to transaction-style terms. Create clickbait-style names for these blog posts, please. Please create a lovely table with the titles of each blog post so that it resembles a calendar. There should be a table for each week and it should span over 3 months. Put the keyword from the prompt in all caps and write “CONTENT CALENDAR” above the table. My target keyword is “[**your keyword**].” Please only submit English-language answers.”

Wow… this has been quite a journey writing this article on ChatGPT marketing prompts.

Let’s wrap this up, shall we? 

Throughout this article, we have explored the various ways in which ChatGPT prompts can be utilized in marketing. From generating creative ideas for advertisements to creating engaging social media content, ChatGPT has proven to be a valuable tool for marketers.

Its ability to understand user intent and generate relevant responses has opened up new possibilities for personalized customer interactions. As we look to the future, it is exciting to imagine how this technology will continue to evolve and revolutionize the marketing landscape. 

By embracing the power of ChatGPT prompts, you can stay ahead of the curve and connect with your audience in more meaningful and impactful ways.

Frequently Asked Questions

ChatGPT prompts for email marketing are specific instructions or questions given to the AI model to generate creative and engaging email marketing content. These prompts provide guidance to ChatGPT on the type of content you want it to create.

Some use cases for using ChatGPT prompts for marketing include writing promotional emails, creating social media posts, developing subject lines, generating ideas for marketing campaigns, and writing effective marketing copy.

Yes, ChatGPT can generate prompts to get creative ideas for social media posts. You can provide ChatGPT with information about your target audience, desired message, and type of content you want to create. ChatGPT will then generate prompts that can inspire you to create engaging social media content.

You can use ChatGPT in marketing by providing it with prompts or questions related to your marketing needs. ChatGPT will then generate content based on those prompts, saving you time and helping you come up with new ideas for your marketing campaigns.

ChatGPT can help you write an engaging email campaign by providing prompts that you can use to create compelling subject lines, develop a series of emails, and generate a list of keywords to include in your emails. This can make your email campaign more effective and drive better results.

ChatGPT can help you create an effective social media ad by generating prompts that you can use to write compelling ad copy, choose the right keywords and hashtags, and tailor your messaging to different social media platforms. ChatGPT can provide fresh ideas and insights to make your social media ad more impactful.

ChatGPT is a language model trained on a wide range of internet text, including marketing content. While not specifically trained for marketing needs, ChatGPT can still generate useful and relevant prompts for marketing tasks, providing valuable assistance to marketing professionals.

Yes, ChatGPT can help you with specific marketing tasks like writing subject lines, developing social media campaigns, and generating content ideas. By providing ChatGPT with specific prompts related to your marketing needs, you can leverage its AI capabilities to streamline your marketing efforts.

ChatGPT prompts can help you in the marketing industry by saving you time and providing you with fresh, innovative ideas for your marketing campaigns. Whether you need help with writing emails, creating social media content, or developing marketing tactics, ChatGPT can be a valuable tool in your marketing toolkit.

ChatGPT is effective for marketing because it can generate creative and engaging prompts to inspire your marketing campaigns. With its language generation abilities and knowledge of various marketing segments, ChatGPT can provide valuable insights and ideas that can enhance your marketing strategies.

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